719 뉴스 및 기사

Showing 697 -708 of 719 results
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Working in Canada as an international student: what you need to know 

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    20 best universities in the world

    According to QS World University Rankings

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      United Kingdom

      Get to know the UK's education system

      Find out why the UK is globally recognised for its teaching excellence.

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        What is the minimum IELTS score to get Ireland PR and work there  

        If you are looking to work in Ireland and gain permanent residency there, taking the IELTS test is an essential step for one of the pathways.

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          Top Computer Science diploma courses in Australia

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            All you need to know about culture and lifestyle in Australia

            Moving to Australia? We’ll show you the way to gain some perspective and understanding of the Australian way of life.

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              United Kingdom

              Applying for Scholarships as an International Student in the UK

              Studying in the United Kingdom is an amazing opportunity, but it requires a lot of detailed preparation and organisation. Once you've calculated your study and living costs, you'll realise that studying in the UK might not be that cheap and that you may want to look for additional funding sources. 

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                True/False/Not Given & Yes/No/Not Given

                Find out the difference between the two question types and strategies to perform better on test day.

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                  United Kingdom

                  University of Nottingham

                  Here’s everything you need to know about Nottingham University!

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                    IELTS common spelling mistakes

                    Here are some of the most common spelling mistakes and how to avoid them on IELTS test day.

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                      유학생 의료보험(OSHC) 구매 방법

                      IDP는 호주에서 귀하의 의료보험 이용과 관련하여 몇 가지 주요 질문에 대해 답해드립니다.

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                        Top college degrees with the best salaries

                        Check out the top college degrees with best salaries and apply to start your study journey abroad with IDP!

                          유학프로필 생성을 위한 가입

                          프로필을 만들고, 맞춤 플랜을 세우고, 유학준비 필요한 유용한 기능을 사용하기 위해 로그인하세요.