Aralarından seçim yapabileceğiniz çok sayıda bölüm ve üniversite varken yurt dışında nerede ve ne okuyacağınıza karar vermek zor bir süreç olabilir. Dünyanın önde gelen kolej ve üniversitelerinden aldığımız kapsamlı bölüm verilerimizle, tüm süreç boyunca size rehberlik etmek için buradayız. Deneyimli danışmanlarımız, hedeflerinizi ve isteklerinizi anlamak için sizinle birlikte çalışarak size en uygun yurt dışı eğitim programını bulmanıza yardımcı olur. bölüm bulucumuz Avustralya, Kanada, İrlanda, New Zealand, İngiltere ve Amerika'daki önde gelen kurumlardan binlerce bölümü keşfetmenize yardımcı olur.
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Geriatrics is a sub-discipline of medicine dealing with the prevention and treatment of illnesses in the elderly. Geriatric Studies graduates can expect to find abundant opportunities in social work, health administration and occupational therapy.
Study Information Sciences and Librarianship abroad
Are you fascinated by artificial intelligence and technology? An Information Sciences and Librarianship degree focuses on using computer software to acquire and handle information resources. This field of study focuses on informatics and librarianship.
Study Higher Education abroad
A degree programme in Higher Education prepares educators who can lead colleges as well as non-profit organisations and government agencies that affect national higher education policy, or you can opt to become an educator. The options are endless!
Study Computer Engineering abroad
Got a technical mindset? Computer Engineering could be the pathway for you, allowing you to analyse and design a variety of computer parts, software solutions and operating systems.
Study Behavioural Science abroad
If you are mesmerised by the complexities of the human mind and want to learn more about it, studying Behavioural Science will help you understand human habits and actions. This field focuses on the impact of thoughts on daily interactions and decisions.
Study Applied Physics abroad
Applied Physics refers to solving various problems and testing hypotheses using the laws of physics. This field of study trains students to develop an analytical mindset and provides an excellent platform for careers in general technology areas.