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Global Citizens Scholarship (International)
At The University of Adelaide College
موقعیت مکانی
All Qualifications
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount
تماس با دانشگاه
ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
در مورد بورسیه
:موسساتی که سهمیه را ارایه می دهند
The University of Adelaide College:میانگین تعداد درخواست در هر سال
تعیین نشده
All Qualifications:تعداد سهمیه های قابل استفاده
تعیین نشده
:ارزش سهمیه
تعیین نشده
:دریافت واجد شرایط
تماس با دانشگاه
:اطلاعات تامین سرمایه
The scholarship offers a reduction of either 15% or 30% of the tuition fee for the duration of the chosen undergraduate or postgraduate award program.
:حالت مطالعه
تعیین نشده
:نحوه دریافت
تعیین نشده
:فرجه درخواست درس یا ارایه
تماس با دانشگاه
نوع کمک هزینه تحصیلی
Fee waiver/discount:تخصیص سهمیه
:در نظر گرفتن موارد دیگر
Academic excellence
:سهمیه میتواند برای.... استفاده شود
Tuition fees
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با جنسیت
:پیش نیاز مرتبط با ملیت
All international
:دروسی که برایشان درخواست داده اید
محدود به درس نیست:مبنا انتخاب
Academic excellence
:شرایط انتخاب
Scholarship recipients will receive a 15% or 30% reduction toward international tuition fees when commencing at the University of Adelaide in 2025.
This scholarship is based on academic merit and eligibility is determined by the merit achieved in the qualification which constitutes as the basis of admission.
This scholarship is available to:
- International Students commencing with the University of Adelaide in their coursework award program in 2025
- Direct entry undergraduate and postgraduate award program applicants, including those who are required to undertake a Pre-Enrolment English Program (PEP) prior to their degree commencement
- Applicants that meet the minimum score
- Open to citizens of any country (except Australia and New Zealand) that are enrolling as International Students
- Available for study in any discipline (some exceptions apply).
Eligibility for the scholarship is assessed automatically at the time of application. Applicants will be notified of their eligibility for the scholarship within the Offer of Admission. No separate application form is required.
This scholarship is based on academic merit, and eligibility is determined by the merit achieved in the qualification, which constitutes the basis of admission to the University. The academic component for admission to the University of Adelaide must be complete for the scholarship to be confirmed.
There are no specific closing dates for this scholarship, but applicants are encouraged to finalise their admissions process as early as possible to allow enough time to apply for a visa and prepare for their studies.
مهلت دریافت جایزهتماس با دانشگاه
مراحل درخواست:Automatic consideration
برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر مربوط به کمک هزینه های تشویقی و تحصیلی از صفحه موسسه دیدن کنید. صفحه اسکالرشیپ موسسه